Eagles Postponed Game Versus MoJacks Rescheduled for Dec. 30

Article by Sam Laskaris / Photo by Chris Archer

As it turns out the Clarington Eagles are now scheduled to play once more in 2021.

Due to the rising number of COVID cases, as a precautionary measure, officials from the Eagles and Port Perry MoJacks agreed to postpone their Dec. 23 Provincial Junior Hockey League (PJHL) match, which was supposed to be held in Clarington.

Originally, it was believed that contest would be rescheduled for some point in January.

But Eagles’ alternate governor Craig Wilcox announced on Thursday that representatives from both squads had agreed to play their rescheduled game on Dec. 30.

That match, which will be staged at the Garnet B. Rickard Recreation Complex, is set for 7:20 p.m.

“It actually works out for both teams that we can get this game in,” said Wilcox, who is also the Eagles’ assistant general manager, head trainer and equipment manager. “It was the perfect timing and it worked out well for everybody.”

Wilcox said reps from the Eagles and MoJacks had discussed some possible rescheduled dates for January.

But that was starting to become problematic.

“Getting ice time in Clarington can be difficult with all of the different user groups,” Wilcox said.

Plus, January had already been shaping up to be a hectic month for both the Eagles and the MoJacks.

Clarington has nine contests scheduled for the first month of the new year. And the MoJacks are scheduled to play seven times in January.

Wilcox added all of the local players are in town for the holidays and will be available for duty for the rescheduled outing on Dec. 30.

“All of the Eagles are around,” he said.

Clarington will enter the contest versus the MoJacks on a five-game winning streak.

The Eagles’ last game was on Dec. 17, when they defeated the host Uxbridge Bruins 5-2.

The Eagles are currently occupying top spot in the PJHL’s seven-team Orr Division. Clarington is sporting a 15-5-0-2 record.